The Team
It is December 2024 - I just graduated my last PhD student, bringing closure to a wonderful period of close to 40 years working with amazing young people. I am grateful for all the senses of wonder and excitement that they continuously brought to the table.
Alumni (Postdocs and Graduates)
thesis title and current affiliation
■ Youbin Kim (24) “The Hyper-dimensional Processing Unit: Energy-efficient Machine Learning using Vector-symbolic Architectures“ - Apple
■ Alisha Menon (22) “Neural Prosthetic with In-sensor Shared Control“ - Startup
■ Matthew Anderson (22) “An Ultra-Low Loss Radio Frequency Beamforming Technique for Power-Constrainted Phased Array Applications“ - Oso Semi
■ Sohum Datta (22) “Generic architectures for efficient Hyper-Dimensional Computing“ - Qualcomm
■ Guillaume Touchou (22) “Ultra-low power high data-rate transmitter for body-coupled communication in 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS” - ST Micro
■ Andy Zhou (21) “Smart and Robust Biomedical Interfaces“ - Apple
■ Nathan Narevsky (21) “Energy Efficient Communication Links for Smart Devices “ - Impinj
■ George Alexandrov (20) “Inductive Wireless Power Transfer to Multiple Biomedical Implants “ - Apple
■ Robin Bennarouch (20) “Wireless Hub for the Human Intranet” - ST Micro
■ Ali Moin (19) “Human Intranet: Connecting Wearable and Implantable Devices “ - Apple
■ Seobin Jung (18) “Neuromodulation IC for System Integration and Self-Interference Cancellation - Google
■ Christopher Sutardja (17) "RFID Reader Design for mm-sized Neural Implants" - Stanford University.
■ Wen Li (17) "Ultra-Low Power Inductively-Coupled Wireless Transcranial Links" - Qualcomm
■ Matteo Causo (16) "Neuro-Inspired Energy-Efficient Computing Platforms" - Schindler Group, Germany.
■ Ping-Chen Huang (15) “A Bio-Inspired Artificial Olfactory System” - UC Berkeley.
■ Camillo Salazar (15) “Ultra-Low Power Wake-Up Receivers Using N-Path Filtering Techniques” - CSEM, Switzerland.
■ Will Biederman (14) “Power Conditioning and Stimulation for Wireless Neural Interface ICs” - Verily.
■ Daniel Yeager (14) “Wireless Neural Interface Design” - Verily.
■ Wenting Zhou (14) “Ultra-low Power Wake-up Radio for Low Activity Wireless System” - Texas Instruments.
■ Namseog Kim (14) "An Energy-Efficient Triple-Channel UWB-based Cognitive Radio" - Qualcomm Inc.
■ Rikki Muller (13) “Low-Power, Scalable Platforms for Implantable Neural Interfaces,” - Australia; Founder Cortera Neurotechnologies, Faculty UC Berkeley
■ Jesse Richmond (13) “Design Techniques for Robust and Reliable Ultra-Low Power Radios” - Qualcomm, Apple
■ Tsung-Te Liu (12) “Towards an Ultra-Low Energy Computation with Asynchronous Circuits” - IMEC; Faculty National Taiwan University
■ David Chen (11) “Reflective Impulse Radios: Principles and Design” - Marvell, Santa Clara.
■ Michel Mark (11) “Powering mm-Size Wireless Implants for Brain-Machine Interfaces” - Infineon, Graz.
■ Yuan-Shih (Stanley) Chen (11) ”Multi-Mode Sub-Nyquist Rate D/A Converter for TV Band Cognitive Radio” - Xilinx Inc.
■ Louis Alarcon (10) “Sense Amplifier-Based Pass Transistor Logic,”- Faculty University of the Philippines, Dilliman.
■ Simone Gambini (09) "Design of a system for cm-range wireless communication", Melbourne Uni; Apple.
■ Nathan Pletcher (08) “Ultra-Low Power Wake-Up Receivers for Wireless Sensor Networks,” - Google.
■ Huifang Qin (07) “Deep Sub-Micron SRAM Design for Ultra-Low Leakage Standby Operation,” - Spansion, Twitter
■ Jana Van Greunen (07) “Distributed OS for Sensor Networks,” - Silverspring Networks, Datrium , Facebook
■ Roy Sutton (06) "Design Methodology for Run-time Management of Reconfigurable Digital Signal Processor Systems" - NA
■ Mike Sheets (06) "Standby Power Management Architecture for Deep-Submicron Systems" - Cypress, Seattle.
■ Tufan Karalar (06) "Implementation of a Localization System for Sensor Networks" - Silicon Labs
Group Ski trip 2005
■ Yuen-Hui Chee (06) "Ultra Low Power Transmitters for Wireless Sensor Networks" - Mediatek
■ En-Yi Lin (05) "A Comprehensive Study of Power-Efficient Rendezvous Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks" - Southern California Edison.
■ Rahul Shah (05) "Distributed Algorithms to Maximize the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks" - Intel, Santa Clara.
■ Dragan Petrovic (05) "Communication and Compression in Dense Networks of Unreliable Nodes" - Qualcomm, San Jose, Nura Technologies.
■ Brian Otis (05) "Ultra-Low Power Wireless Technologies for Sensor Networks" - Faculty, University of Washington, Seattle; Verily.
■ M. Josie Ammer (04) "Low Power Synchronization for Wireless Communication" - Qualcomm, Seattle.
■ Lizhi Charlie Zhong (04) "An Integrated Data-Link Energy Model For Wireless Sensor Networks" - W5 networks
■ Hui (Tom) Zhang (04) "Low-Power Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Digital Signal Processors With Energy- Efficient Interconnect Network"- Innofidei Inc (founder), Beijing (also before ViMicro, founder)
■ Suet-Fei Li (03) "Exploration and Implementation of Wireless Protocol Platforms" - Broadcom, Santa Clara.
■ Kostas Sarrigeorgidis (02) "Massively Parallel Reconfigurable Architecture and Programming For Wireless Communications" - Broadcom
■ Marlene Wan (01) "Design Methodology for Low Power Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Digital Signal Processors" - SiRF
■ Arthur Abnous (01) "Low-Power Domain-Specific Processors for Digital Signal Processing" - Broadcom
■ Varghese George (00), "Low-Energy FPGA Design,"- nVidia
■ David Lidsky (98), "The Conceptual-Level Design Approach to Complex Systems," - Volterra (founder)
■ Sean Huang (97), “TAO: An Integrated Framework for Optimizing Transformations,” - Apache Design Solutions
■ Renu Mehra (97) “High-Level Estimation and Synthesis Techniques for Low-Power Design” - Synopsys
■ Ole Bentz (97), "An Information-centric Design Exploration and Implementation Server," - Avnera
■ Lisa Guerra (96), "Behavioral Level Guidance Using Property-Based Design Characterization", - BeVocal
■ My Le (96), “Global QoS Management for Wireless Networks,” - Cisco
■ Alfred Yeung (95) "A data-driven multiprocessor architecture for high throughput digital signal processing" - Datapath (now LSI Logic)
■ Paul Landman (94), "Low Power Architectural Methodologies"- Texas Instruments
■ Seungjun Lee (93), "A Hardware-Software Co-Simulation Environment,"- Faculty Ewha Womans University, Seoul.
■ Chi-min Chu (92), "Hardware Mapping and Module Selection in the Hyper Synthesis System,"- Synopsys.
■ Dev Chen (92), "Programmable Arithmetic Devices for High Speed Digital Signal Processing,"- Juniper.
■ Phu Hoang (92), "Compiling Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Applications on Multi-processor Systems," - Malhar, Inc (previous Yahoo and others)
■ Miodrag Potkonjak (92), "Algorithms for High Level Synthesis: Resource Utilization Based Approach,"- Faculty UCLA CS
■ Wook Koh (90), "A Reconfigurable MultiProcessor System for DSP Behavioral Simulation" - Faculty Ajou University, Seoul
Postdocs and Visitors
Marcus Thaler, Ingrid Verbauwhede, Julio da Silva, Yu (Kevin) Cao, Makoto Takamiya (visiting professor), Ashkan Borna, Massimo Alioto (visiting professor), Abbas Rahimi, Arno Thielens, Ping-Chen Huang, Laura Galindez Olascoaga, Mohamed Ibrahim
Staff (retired)
Fred Burghardt, Sue Mellers